Teak Products & Guide
Plantation teak is your sustainable choice to secure a planet for the next generations to come.
We offer plantation teak in different variations. Contact us to discuss how we can help your business to grow.
Teak Rough logs
Top-quality teak wood grown in the dry, tropical region of Ecuador.
Length: Custom Lengths up to 5-6 meters pieces.
Wood Color: Golden honey
Girth: 50 – 130 cm
Teak Rough Squares
Rough square logs and rough logs from 18-20 years old plantations.
In rough square logs and rough logs according to the girth range.
Length: Customised for example: 230cm; 260cm
Wood Color: Golden honey
Girth: from 50cm up to around 130cm
Capacity: up to 30 containers / month upon availability of equipments
Sawn Teak
We are now offering sawn wood in different grades, measurements and quantities.
Contact us for samples and more information.
Measurements: made to order.
AD: 36% or KD: 12%
Current capacity: 1 container / month
Teak Guide

The botanical name is Tectona Grandis, but commonly known as Burma teak, Rosawa, Djati, Sagon, Genuine teak, Sagwan, Gia Thi, Tadi. The specie is native to the Southeast Asian countries of Thailand, India, Laos, and Myanmar. Teak plantations have become prominent in Africa, the Caribbean, and Latin America.

Teak is honey golden turning into darker tones with age. Its colour varies greatly when machined showing different shades. Sapwood is pale yelowish, sharply demarkated. Grain sraight, occasionally wavy. Coarse texture. Raw wood surfaces have an oily texture. When freshly milled, teak has a leather-like scent.

Drying process is slowly with no degradation or decay. It is dried to the wetter European standards of 12-15%, which is ideal when used in an exterior situation such as decks and siding, where precision is not demanded.
For inside use or joined in a more precise manner, it is re-dried to 6-8%

Easy to work with both hands or machine tools. However, its high content of silica (up to 1.4%) results in a severe blunting effect on cutters. Glues well despite its oily nature, althoug ocationally it is needed to wipe the oily surface of the wood prior to gluing.
lbs /Bd. Ft.
Janka Rating*
*International standard for measuring the resistance of a sample of wood to denting and wear
Specific Gravity*
*Ratio of the density of wood to the density of water.
Contact Us
Km 13 Via Esmeraldas,
Santo Domingo,
+593 997 28 28 28
+593 985 48 14 24
Request a quote

Km 13 Via Esmeraldas,
Santo Domingo,
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